Thanks to Seven for interviewing me and my rig for another video tour!
Frequently Asked Questions
- Why put in all the windows and not use them?
During my research, I found that people often loved having lots of windows. I figured I could and should add that to my design. Completely separate from this, back when I used to work a 9-5 job, I found that I would get headaches every Saturday. It took me a long time to realize I had light sensitivity, and being in the sun without sunglasses and shading causes me to have headaches. If I get too much sun, I can get a migraine from it. I learned all of this about myself long after I had the custom windows put in my trailer. - Why no generator to recharge your batteries if you decide to travel into areas of reduced sun?
I do have a generator, a Honda 2200, it just wasn’t featured in the video. It only gets used on rare occasion. - Do you support yourself on the road
Yes, I run and Berding Consulting - When you get old, you’ll have difficulty with the crypt
Although this wasn’t exactly a question, more of a statement, I don’t disagree. I don’t, however, plan on staying in my current setup until I’m “old”. Instead, I’m planning on building other living arrangements for myself that will be appropriate to my needs and lifestyle as I age. The AFE was designed to last 10 years, which means it’ll retire before I hit 50. - Are you worried about dying in a fire because you don’t have a fire escape in the crypt?
Nope. The hatch to the crypt and the door to get outside are right next to each other. I also don’t have propane in my trailer, which is the #1 cause of fires in RVs. I do have a diesel heater, but it’s not the cheap Chinese version, it’s the German Espar unit, and has all kinds of safeties built into it. - Can you do the interior design of my van/trailer/etc?
Sorry, but that’s not where I excel. I recommend drawing out what you think you might like, copy ideas from other people, and spend some time imagining yourself in it. - How tall are you?
I’m 5’7″. Seven (the videographer) is a bit taller than me, and in some shots he holds the camera up in such a way that it makes me look shorter. - What are the dimensions of the trailer?
24′ of interior space (including the v-nose area), and 8′ of height overall. It’s 8.5′ wide, which reduces to just under 8′ inside after the insulation was added. - How big is the crypt?
It’s approximately 64″ wide by 84″ long by about 36″ in height. - Danger, don’t put water in the back like that!
Once again, not really a question, but a frequent comment. My trailer was designed to have extra weight in the back from the initial design phase. The axels were moved back 6″ to accommodate that weight. When the fresh tank is full and the holding tanks are empty, my tongue weight is approximately 12%. For bumper-pull trailers, the weight is supposed to be between 10 and 15%, so I’m right where I’m supposed to be. I never have issues with the water slushing around causing the trailer to misbehave. I do have issues with the large sidewalls of the trailer when it’s hit by a crosswind, and that’s why I’m changing the trailer into a gooseneck instead of a bumper-pull. - Why no BMS on the batteries?
I haven’t found it to be necessary. I balanced them when they were put in (they were basically perfectly balanced from the factory), and haven’t needed to touch them since. I also never found a 16s BMS that I trusted, so I just run conservative numbers on my voltages and very low “C” ratings, and it’s worked out great. - How much did it cost?
The trailer was $20k, I put in another $35k. - Why didn’t you just buy a regular RV?
I wanted features that weren’t found on regular RVs and they didn’t have the weight carrying capacity to handle what I wanted to do. - What kind of truck do you pull it with?
2018 Ram 2500, Cummins engine